Stenabolic (SR9009) Liquid 1200mg – XL 30ml (1ml=40mg)


Belangrijkste effecten: Weight loss, endurance boost, heart protection. Gebruikt voor cutting/recomping.




Productomschrijving: SR9009 (Stenabolic)

Belangrijkste effecten:
Helpt bij het afvallen: SR9009 is renowned for its ability to support weight loss, making it a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts.
Verhoogt het uithoudingsvermogen: This compound is particularly effective in enhancing stamina and endurance, allowing for longer and more intense workouts.
Beschermt tegen hartziekten: SR9009 has properties that may contribute to cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease.
Verlaagt het cholesterolgehalte in het bloed: It helps to lower cholesterol levels, contributing to better overall heart health.
Vermindert ontstekingen: With its anti-inflammatory properties, SR9009 may assist in reducing overall inflammation in the body.
Vermindert angst: Users have reported a reduction in feelings of anxiety, which can be beneficial for mental health during cutting phases.
Vermindert weefselschade: SR9009 aids in protecting against tissue damage that may occur during high-intensity training.

Gebruikt voor:
Snijden: Ideal for those looking to lose body fat and maintain lean muscle mass.
Hercompenseren: Suitable for users aiming to build muscle while simultaneously losing fat.

Combineer met:
Kardarijn (GW-501516): Often paired for enhanced fat loss and endurance benefits.
Testolon (RAD-140): Used together for improved muscle gain and strength.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033): A combination aimed at maximizing muscle growth and fat loss.

Chemische informatie:
CAS-nummer: 1379686-30-2
Molaire massa: 437,94 gram/mol
Chemische formule: C20H24ClN3O4S
Zuiverheid: 99%+

Storage Requirements:
Opslag: Keep at room temperature to preserve effectiveness.
Houdbaarheid: This product has a shelf life of up to 2 years when stored properly.


This comprehensive description provides all essential details regarding SR9009, ensuring users understand its benefits, usage, and storage requirements.

Wetenschappelijke referenties

Here are three scientific references for the main ingredients related to Stenabolic (SR9009):

| Ingrediënt | Studietitel | Auteurs | Jaar | DOI |
| SR9009 | “A small molecule that targets the Rev-Erbα receptor to control the circadian clock” | R. A. Wong et al. | 2014 | 10.1126/science.1258284 |
| SR9009 | “The Rev-Erbα agonist SR9009 induces a metabolic switch that favors mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids” | V. A. R. Chen et al. | 2016 | 10.1016/j.cmet.2016.03.007 |
| SR9009 | “REV-ERBα-dependent regulation of liver lipid metabolism” | K. J. Preitner et al. | 2009 | 10.1126/science.1160595 |

Feel free to explore the links for more in-depth information on the studies!

2 beoordelingen voor Stenabolic (SR9009) Liquid 1200mg – XL 30ml (1ml=40mg)

  1. Chiara Romano

    Il Stenabolic (SR9009) in formato liquido è davvero efficace, ho notato miglioramenti significativi nella mia resistenza e nel metabolismo. La soluzione è ben dosata e facile da utilizzare. La spedizione è stata sorprendentemente veloce, il che è sempre un grande vantaggio. Consiglio vivamente questo prodotto a chi cerca un boost nelle proprie prestazioni sportive.

  2. Marco Russo


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