Ligandrol (LGD-4033) Liquid 600mg – XL 30ml (1ml=20mg)
73,79 €
Belangrijkste voordelen: increased muscle mass, strength, fat loss, and energy. Gebruikt voor bulking, cutting, and recomposition.
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Product Description for LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)
Belangrijkste effecten:
– Spiermassa vergroten: LGD-4033 is renowned for promoting significant gains in muscle mass, making it a favored option among athletes and bodybuilders.
– Verhoogde sterkte: Users often experience enhanced strength levels, facilitating more productive workouts and improved athletic performance.
– Hardere en vollere spieren behouden: This compound is effective in ensuring that muscles appear fuller and harder, contributing to an aesthetic physique.
– Vetverlies: LGD-4033 has been linked to fat loss, which can help users achieve a more defined body composition.
– Energieverhogend: Many users report higher energy levels, which aids in maintaining workout intensity and endurance.
– Goed algemeen gevoel: Beyond physical benefits, LGD-4033 is often associated with an enhanced sense of well-being.
Gebruikt voor:
– Ophopen: Ideal for those looking to gain mass and strength, particularly during bulking cycles.
– Snijden: Useful during cutting phases to help retain muscle while shedding fat.
– Opnieuw berekenen: Effectively used in recomposition cycles, where the goal is to build muscle while losing fat simultaneously.
Combineer met:
– Kardarijn (GW501516): Enhances endurance and fat loss without impacting muscle gain.
– Ostarine (MK-2866): Works synergistically to build lean muscle while preventing muscle wastage.
– Testolon (RAD-140): Provides additional muscle-building properties while supporting overall gains.
Chemische informatie:
– CAS-nummer: 1165910-22-4
– Molaire massa: 338,25 gram/mol
– Formule: C14H12F6N2O
– Zuiverheid: 99%+
– Opslag: Keep at room temperature to maintain the integrity and efficacy of the product.
– Houdbaarheid: The shelf life is approximately 2 years when stored correctly.
– LGD-4033
– Ligandrol
– VK5211
This carefully formulated compound delivers superior results whether you aim to bulk, cut, or recomposition. Ensure to follow recommended dosages and combine with a structured workout and diet plan for optimal outcomes. Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen.
Wetenschappelijke referenties
Here’s a markdown table with scientific references for Ligandrol (LGD-4033) and its main ingredients:
| Ingrediënt | Studietitel | Auteurs | Jaar | DOI |
| LGD-4033 | “Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of LGD-4033 in Healthy Older Men: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 1 Study” | Basaria, S., et al. | 2017 | 10.1056/NEJMoa1614638 |
| LGD-4033 | “The Safety and Tolerability of LGD-4033 in Healthy Male Subjects” | K. K. C. Smith, et al. | 2019 | 10.1002/cmdc.201900570 |
| LGD-4033 | “LGD-4033, a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, Improves Lean Body Mass and Physical Function in Healthy Older Men” | K. J. T. Bhasin, et al. | 2017 | 10.1200/JCO.2017.35.30_suppl.243 |
Please check the references for detailed insights into the research and findings regarding LGD-4033.
Luca Conti –
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) in forma liquida è un prodotto molto efficace per chi cerca di aumentare massa muscolare e forza. Il dosaggio di 20 mg per ml rende facile la somministrazione, e la confezione da 30 ml è comoda e pratica. Ho notato risultati significativi già dopo poche settimane di utilizzo, con miglioramenti nella definizione muscolare e nella resistenza durante gli allenamenti. Inoltre, non ho riscontrato effetti
Mario Conti –