TB-500 5mg
44,38 €
TB500 depuis Laboratoires BioWell is a high-quality, synthetic thymosin beta 4 for research only, with potential in *régénération tissulaire
- Description
- Avis (2)
TB500 depuis Laboratoires BioWell is a synthetic form of Thymosine bêta 4 proteins, specifically designed for scientific research and chemical analyses. This product is provided in the form of a lyophilized powder, avec chaque flacon contenant 5 mg of TB500. When you purchase from Laboratoires BioWell, you can be assured of receiving research materials of the highest quality.
Dosage et contenu :
- Contenu: Each vial includes 5 mg of TB500 in lyophilized form.
- Conditions de stockage : TB500 must be stored under refrigeration conditions at a temperature ranging from 3 à 6 degrés Celsius. It is crucial to keep the product out of reach of children to ensure safety.
Exemples de propriétés :
During experimental trials, TB500 may demonstrate several noteworthy properties, including:
- Effets régénératifs : Potential influence on stimulating the regeneration processes of tissues such as muscles, tendons, skin, and heart tissues.
- Cell Migration and Repair: Possible stimulation of cell migration and repair processes, supporting overall healing processes.
- Mechanical Injury Recovery: May support the healing of mechanical injuries to soft tissues.
- Cartilage Strength and Elasticity: Probable influence on enhancing the strength and elasticity of cartilage tissue.
- Nerve Healing Support: Potential ability to aid in the healing of nerve damage.
Laboratoires BioWell supplies TB500 to both research institutions and private individuals interested in the continued scientific exploration of this well-known substance. The product can be utilized in various analyses, including Chromatographie liquide à haute performance (HPLC), as well as in In Vitro experiments, paving new avenues in medical and scientific research.
Assurance qualité:
We offer independent HPLC testing results that confirm the pureté and exact concentration of the substance. These testing results are available for review on our website.
Clause de non-responsabilité:
All information currently available about TB500 is derived from laboratory tests and is intended solely for informational purposes. This product is not categorized as a medicine, dietary supplement, or food item and is unsuitable for consumption. Its classification is strictly as a chemical substance, designated for research and scientific purposes only. For detailed information regarding this substance, we provide a Chemical Safety Data Sheet for your reference.
Contact Us:
À Laboratoires BioWell, we are dedicated to delivering an increasing array of new substances for laboratory research and are committed to advancing our production processes. Our aim is to ensure that all customers can purchase top-tier products with impeccable purity and verified properties as indicated in our laboratory testing and safety documentation.
If you have any inquiries or require further information, please reach out to our Customer Service team. Thank you for your trust and interest in our products.
Sure! Below is an HTML table with key information about TB-500, which primarily contains the ingredient Thymosin Beta-4 (TB-500), along with scientific references for the ingredient.
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TB-500 Ingredients and Scientific References
Ingrédient | Description | Références scientifiques |
Thymosin Beta-4 (TB-500) | A peptide that plays a role in cell migration, tissue repair, and inflammation modulation. |
Amanatullah, D. F. et al., 2015; Zhang, W. et al., 2012; Jiang, C. et al., 2015 |
- Ingrédient: The main ingredient identified is Thymosin Beta-4.
- Description: A brief overview of the ingredient is provided.
- Références scientifiques: Links to scientific articles that discuss aspects of Thymosin Beta-4 are included for further reading.
Make sure to test the links to confirm they point to relevant information and that they are accessible.
Federico Costa –
Ho ordinato il TB-500 5mg e sono rimasto colpito dalla velocità di spedizione, che è stata davvero rapida. Dopo averlo utilizzato, posso confermare che il prodotto fa effetto, contribuendo a una migliore recupero muscolare e a una riduzione dei dolori. Altamente consigliato per chi cerca un supporto nel miglioramento delle performance fisiche.
Elisa Verdi –