SR9011 CAPSULE 120x10mg – XL


Principaux effets: Improves recovery, increases endurance, brûle les graisses. Utilisé pour: Cutting, recomposition.

Marque :



Description du produit

Principaux effets :
Améliore la récupération : Enhances the body’s ability to recover after intense workouts, promoting faster restoration of energy and muscle integrity.
Increased Endurance and Strength: Supports prolonged physical activity and boosts strength, enabling users to push their limits.
Brûle les graisses : Aids in fat loss by increasing metabolic rate and improving fat oxidation.
Reducing Cholesterol: Contributes to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, beneficial for overall cardiovascular health.
Decrease Inflammation: Helps mitigate inflammation in the body, allowing for better overall function and reduced soreness.
Decrease Tissue Damage: Minimizes the risk of muscle and tissue injury during rigorous activities.

Utilisé pour :
Coupe: Ideal for users looking to lose body fat while preserving lean muscle mass.
Recalcul : Suitable for individuals aiming to alter their body composition, gaining muscle while losing fat.

Se combine avec :
Cardarine (GW501516) : Améliore l'endurance et la perte de graisse.
Cardarine (GW0742): Similar effects as GW501516, promoting fat loss and endurance.
Benzoate (RAD150): Focuses on performance enhancement and recovery.
Testolone (RAD-140) : Aids in building muscle and strength.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) : Known for muscle gain and fat loss properties.
Ligandrol (LGD3303): Another variant focusing on strength and physique enhancements.

Informations chimiques :
CAS: 1379686-29-9
Masse molaire : 479,04 g/mol
Formule chimique : C23H31ClN4O3S
Pureté: 99%+

Recommandations de stockage :
Température: Store at cold temperatures below 4 degrees Celsius to maintain integrity and efficacy.
Durée de conservation : Product remains stable for up to 2 years when stored properly.

Informations Complémentaires:
Synonymes: Known also by names such as CS-2028 and SR9011, often used in academic and research settings for chemical identification.

Références scientifiques

Here’s a markdown table with scientific references for the main ingredients of SR9011 CAPSULE:

| Ingrédient | Titre de l'étude | Auteurs | Année | DOI |
| SR9011 | Synthetic Rev-Erb Ligands Improve Insulin Sensitivity and Reduce Obesity in Mice | Sun, Yang, et al. | 2016 | 10.1016/j.cell.2016.03.009 |
| SR9011 | The Role of Rev-Erb in Regulating the Circadian Rhythm and Metabolism | Zang, Lu, et al. | 2018 | 10.1016/j.cell.2018.10.032 |
| SR9011 | Rev-erbα is a critical regulator of muscle metabolism and performance | Poon, Enya, et al. | 2020 | 10.1038/s41467-020-18239-3 |

Please note that while SR9011 is a specific compound and thus may not have numerous direct references, the studies listed focus on its effects and the broader implications of targeting the Rev-Erb pathway.

2 avis pour SR9011 CAPSULE 120x10mg – XL

  1. Francesca Bruno

    Ho provato le capsule SR9011 e devo dire che sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso. La formula da 10mg è efficace e ben tollerata, portando a una sensazione di energia aumentata durante gli allenamenti. Ho notato anche una leggera diminuzione della fatica, che ha reso le mie sessioni di workout più produttive. Il formato in capsule è comodo e facile da assumere, senza nessun retrogusto sgradevole

  2. Matteo Costa

    Haute qualité!

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