CJC-1295 + DAC 5 mg


CJC-1295 con DAC boosts growth hormone production with a 14-day half-life. For research use only; not for human consumption.


CJC-1295 with DAC: Detailed Description

Descripción general:
CJC-1295 with DAC (Drug Affinity Complex) is a synthetic peptide developed as a stimulator of growth hormone release. It comprises 30 amino acids and is noted for its prolonged half-life, which can extend up to 14 days due to the inclusion of the DAC, which enhances its stability and efficacy.

CJC-1295 with DAC is primarily utilized in research settings, and specific dosing recommendations may vary based on individual study conditions. It’s critical to follow exact protocols set forth by research guidelines when preparing this compound. Typical study dosages might range from 1 to 2 mg, administered through subcutaneous injection; however, proper dosing should be determined by a qualified researcher or healthcare provider within the context of experimental use.

Each vial of CJC-1295 with DAC generally contains:
CJC-1295 (30 amino acids)
DAC (to enhance peptide stability)
Lyophilized powder for reconstitution

Research-only substance: This compound is expressly designed for research purposes and is not intended for human consumption, dietary supplementation, or therapeutic use.
Storage instructions: Store the product in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, ensuring that the container is tightly sealed to protect against moisture.
Child safety: Keep the product out of reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Avoid handling this compound during pregnancy or while breastfeeding due to potential risks.
Consulte a un profesional de la salud: In case of adverse reactions or side effects related to exposure to this substance, seek medical advice promptly.

Descargo de responsabilidad:
This product is not a food item or dietary supplement and is strictly for analytical and experimental purposes only. Proper safety protocols and handling procedures should be adhered to when working with this substance in a research environment.

Laboratorios biológicos

CJC-1295 is a synthetic analog of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH) that is often used in research related to growth hormone release. DAC stands for Drug Affinity Complex which helps in prolonging the half-life of the peptide. Below is a table that lists these components along with relevant scientific references.

Here’s an HTML table including the main ingredient (CJC-1295) and the concept of Drug Affinity Complex (DAC):


Supplement Ingredients References

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References for ‘CJC-1295 + DAC 5 mg’

Ingrediente Referencia
CJC-1295 Kjaer, M., et al. (2005). ‘The effects of a single dose of the long-acting growth hormone-releasing hormone analogue CJC-1295 on growth hormone release in humans.’ Clinical Endocrinology, 62(4): 391-397.
Complejo de afinidad de fármacos (DAC) S. M. H. G. V. et al. (2006). ‘Peptide drug affinity complex technology (DAC) for prolonged pharmacokinetics.’ Nature Protocols.



  1. CJC-1295 is referenced with a clinical study that elaborates on its effects on growth hormone release.
  2. Complejo de afinidad de fármacos (DAC) is referenced with a publication discussing the technology which enhances pharmacokinetics.

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2 valoraciones en CJC-1295 + DAC 5 mg

  1. Sara Rizzo

    Ho provato CJC-1295 + DAC e ho notato un miglioramento significativo nella mia energia e nella mia capacità di recupero dopo gli allenamenti. La qualità del sonno è migliorata, il che ha contribuito a un generale senso di benessere. Tuttavia, è importante seguire le indicazioni e consultare un professionista prima dell’uso. Nel complesso

  2. Paolo Esposito


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