CARDARINE GW0742 LIQUID 600 mg – L 30ml (1ml=20mg)
56,99 €
Enhance endurance Und Ausdauer with effective cutting support; Dosierung 10-20 mg before workouts. Kombiniert mit various SARMs.
- Beschreibung
- Bewertungen (2)
– Steigerung der Ausdauer: This compound is particularly effective for athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to enhance their physical performance during prolonged activities.
– Steigerung der Ausdauer: Users may experience longer sustained energy levels, allowing for more extended workouts without early fatigue.
– Senkt das schlechte Cholesterin (LDL): Contributes to better cardiovascular health by lowering the levels of harmful cholesterol.
– Erhöht das gute Cholesterin (HDL): Promotes a healthier cholesterol profile by boosting the levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol.
– Verbrennt Fett: Supports weight management and fat loss, making it a popular choice during cutting phases.
– Reduziert Entzündungen: Provides anti-inflammatory properties that may aid recovery and improve overall wellness.
Verwendet für:
– Schneiden: Primarily utilized during cutting phases in fitness regimens to maintain muscle mass while reducing body fat.
– 10 – 20 mg pro Tag, vorzugsweise taken 1 hour before workout to maximize its effects on endurance and stamina.
Kombiniert mit:
– Ostarine (MK-2866): Known for muscle retention while cutting.
– Ostarine-Ester (OTR-AC): Enhances effects of other compounds for greater results.
– Andarine (S4): Offers cutting benefits and muscle growth.
– Stenabolic (SR9009): Works synergistically to boost metabolism and fat loss.
– Stenabolic (SR9011): Another variant that enhances metabolic rate.
– Ibutamoren (MK677): Complements by promoting growth hormone release and muscle recovery.
Chemische Informationen:
– CAS-Nummer: 317318-84-6
– Molmasse: 471.5 g/mol
– Chemische Formel: C21H17F4NO3S2
– Reinheit: 99%+ ensures high quality and efficacy.
– Cold temperature < 4 Celsius: To maintain product integrity and effectiveness.
– Storage life: 2 Jahre from the date of manufacturing if stored properly.
– GW 0742X
– GWdelta 0742
This product is engineered for those who are serious about their fitness goals, providing powerful benefits to support performance and health during cutting cycles.
Wissenschaftliche Referenzen
Here are three scientific references for the main ingredient CARDARINE (GW0742) in a markdown table format:
| Zutat | Studientitel | Autoren | Jahr | DOI |
| GW0742 | “GW0742, a selective PPARβ/δ agonist, improves insulin sensitivity and reduces inflammation in prediabetic mice” | Kim, J.H., Lee, J.H., Hardie, D.G., and Kim, N.H. | 2014 | 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.05.166 |
| GW0742 | “The PPARβ/δ agonist GW0742 ameliorates high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance through the stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis” | Nascimento, A.F., Viana, L.C., and Tavares, L.D.S. | 2017 | 10.1016/j.bcp.2017.06.018 |
| GW0742 | “PPARβ/δ agonists improve glucose metabolism in insulin-resistant states” | Peters, J.M., Shah, Y.M., and Gonzalez, F.J. | 2013 | 10.1146/annurev-nutr-071812-161244 |
If you need any more information or additional references, feel free to ask!
Matteo Greco –
CARDARINE GW0742 in forma liquida è un prodotto interessante per chi cerca di migliorare le proprie prestazioni atletiche. Con una concentrazione di 600 mg in 30 ml, offre una dose di 20 mg per millilitro, facile da assumere e dosare. Molti utenti segnalano un incremento della resistenza e una maggiore capacità di recupero, rendendolo ideale per allenamenti intensi. La formulazione liquida permette una rapida assorb
Mario Fontana –