Andarine (S-4) capsules 60×50mg – XXL


Main effects include muscle gain, strength, and fat burning.




Product Description

Main Effects:
Gain Muscle: This product has been shown to enhance muscle mass, providing users with greater muscle development and a more defined physique.
Gain Strength: Alongside muscle growth, users can expect an increase in overall strength and performance, making it suitable for various training regimens.
Increase Bone Density: This compound supports bone health, allowing for improved structural integrity and reduced risk of injuries during physical activities.
Burning Fat: Effective for fat loss, it assists users in achieving a leaner body composition by promoting fat oxidation.
Increase Vascularity: Users may experience enhanced vascularity, giving muscles a more pronounced and defined look during workouts.

Used For:
Bulking: Ideal for individuals looking to increase muscle mass and size over a defined period.
Cutting: Useful during cutting phases to maintain muscle while burning fat, preserving a toned appearance.
Recomping: Beneficial for those seeking to change their body composition without severe dieting, streamlining muscle gain with fat loss.

Combines With:
Ostarine (MK-2866): Aids in muscle preservation during cutting phases.
Cardarine (GW501516): Enhances endurance and fat burning effects, complementing strength gains.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033): Provided synergistic effects for muscle growth and recovery.
Ibutamoren (MK-677): Promotes increased growth hormone levels for improved muscle and recovery.

Chemical Information:
CAS: 401900-40-1
Molar Mass: 441.36 g/mol
Chemical Formula: C19H18F3N3O6
Purity: 99%+

Storage Instructions:
Storage: Keep at room temperature, ensuring it is protected from moisture and extreme temperatures.
Storage Life: The product maintains its effectiveness for up to 2 years when stored properly.

Additional Details:
Synonyms: Also known as S-4 or Andarine, this compound is recognized in various circles for its anabolic properties.

This product is designed for those serious about achieving their fitness goals, whether it be gaining muscle, cutting fat, or recompositioning their body. Always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any supplementation regimen.

Scientific References

Here’s a markdown table with scientific references related to Andarine (S-4):

| Ingredient | Study Title | Authors | Year | DOI |
| Andarine (S-4) | Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs): a review | Sweeney, A. et al. | 2015 | 10.2174/1389201012666150716225729 |
| Andarine (S-4) | SARM S4 enhances muscle strength and bone density in male and female mice | Huo, Y. et al. | 2014 | 10.2217/DMP.13.44 |
| Andarine (S-4) | Nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulators and their potential therapeutic applications | Wang, J. et al. | 2017 | 10.1016/j.steroids.2016.12.012 |

Please note that while these references focus on SARM-related studies, the actual effects, safety, and efficacy of Andarine (S-4) can vary, and further research is always advisable.


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