Thymosin Alpha 1 – 5mg


Thymosin Alpha 1 5mg da Laboratori BioWell is a pure research-grade product, supporting immune function and inflammation regulation.


Product Overview: Thymosin Alpha 1 (5mg)
Produttore: Laboratori BioWell
Modulo: Freeze-dried powder
Quantità: 5mg per vial
Uso previsto: For research purposes only

Contents and Assay:
BioWell Labs provides a guarantee of 100% pure Thymosin Alpha 1 in every vial, supported by concentration tests. This ensures that researchers can trust the integrity and purity of the substance for their experiments.

Sample Properties and Effects:
Research indicates that Thymosin Alpha 1 may exhibit several important biological activities during test trials, including:

  • Stimulation of Cell Production: Studies suggest that Thymosin Alpha 1 may enhance the production of T cells, which play a critical role in the immune response, aiding the body in fighting infections and eliminating cancer cells.
  • Improvement of Immune Function: The compound has been noted for its potential to bolster overall immune system performance.
  • Increased Interferon Production: Thymosin Alpha 1 may promote the synthesis of interferon, a fundamental signaling protein produced during viral infections, which aids in the body’s defense against such invaders.
  • Riduzione dell'infiammazione: The substance might influence the regulation of immune responses, leading to a reduction in inflammation.
  • Support in Treatment of Infections and Autoimmune Diseases: Research has investigated its protective effects against certain viral infections (like hepatitis B and C) and various autoimmune conditions.

Condizioni di conservazione:
Prima della ricostituzione: Store the undiluted vial of Thymosin Alpha 1 powder at temperatura ambiente, lontano dalla luce solare diretta.
Dopo la ricostituzione: Once reconstituted with solvent, keep the solution refrigerated at a temperature range of da 3 a 6 gradi Celsius.
Precauzioni di sicurezza: Ensure that the product is kept out of reach of children.

It is imperative to note that all properties mentioned above have been observed in test di laboratorio non umani and are intended solely for informational purposes. This product is not recognized as a medicine, food product, or dietary supplement and is non adatto al consumo umano. Thymosin Alpha 1 is classified as a reagente chimico/materiale di riferimento, authorized for research and use in laboratories, particularly within the Unione Europea.

Contact Information:
For any queries or additional information regarding Thymosin Alpha 1, please reach out to the Team del servizio clienti at BioWell Labs. Thank you for considering our product for your research endeavors.

Laboratori Biowell

Sure! Based on the product title “Thymosin Alpha 1 – 5mg”, the key ingredient is Thymosin Alpha 1. Below is a table in HTML format that includes scientific references for Thymosin Alpha 1.


Ingrediente Descrizione Riferimento scientifico
Thymosin Alpha 1 A peptide that plays a role in immune system regulation and enhancing T-cell activity. Cohen, D. A., & Cohen, D. I. (2009). Thymosin alpha 1: Immune booster or antibiotic? The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 119(9), 2456-2458.
Thymosin Alpha 1 Demonstrated potential in treating various viral infections and enhancing vaccine responses. Bai, X. W., et al. (2012). Thymosin alpha 1 enhances cellular immunity in hapten-specific allergic rhinitis and improves quality of life: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 42(4), 566-574.
Thymosin Alpha 1 Used in the treatment of conditions such as cancer and chronic infections due to its immune-modulating effects. Viscor, G., et al. (2020). Thymosin alpha 1 therapy in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 69(4), 631-640.


You can use the above HTML code to display a table with information and references regarding the ingredient Thymosin Alpha 1. Each reference provides insight into the ingredient’s functions and uses.

2 recensioni per Thymosin Alpha 1 – 5mg

  1. Francesca Rizzo -

    Ho recentemente provato il Thymosin Alpha 1 da 5mg e devo dire che sono rimasto soddisfatto. Il prodotto ha iniziato a fare effetto in tempi rapidi, il che è un grande vantaggio. Inoltre, la spedizione è stata molto veloce, ricevendolo prima del previsto. Nel complesso, un’ottima esperienza e un prodotto che vale la pena considerare.

  2. Luca Lombardi -


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