Melanotan 2 Liquid Form 25mg


Laboratori BioWell offerte Melanotan 2 Liquid Form (25mg) for research, with independent purity tests, safe for lab use only.


Product Description: Melanotan 2 Liquid Form 25mg

Produttore: Laboratori BioWell
Modulo: Liquido
Contenuto: 25mg of Melanotan 2 per vial

BioWell Labs presents Melanotan 2 forma liquida 25mg, a specialized chemical substance designed expressly for research purposes. This product is provided with independent concentration tests to ensure the highest quality and purity, guaranteeing that you receive a 100% prodotto puro.

Test e garanzia di qualità:
The chemical has been rigorously tested in an independent, accredited Polish laboratory, marking BioWell Labs as the unica azienda chimica in Polonia to have independent tests conducted on Melanotan 2. This commitment to transparency and quality control is a cornerstone of BioWell Labs’ operations.

Uso previsto:
Melanotan 2 is available for both institutions and private individuals intending to conduct further scientific research, including HPLC (cromatografia liquida ad alte prestazioni) and in-vitro studies.

Informazioni sul dosaggio:
The vial contains 25mg of Melanotan 2, and the product is packaged with a Pipetta da 1 ml to facilitate precise measurement of doses for laboratory testing or concentration comparisons of similar chemical compounds.

Sample Properties of Melanotan 2:
Research indicates several significant properties potentially demonstrated during test trials:

  • Stimolazione della produzione di melanina: Melanotan 2 may stimulate melanin production, which could be beneficial for studies related to pigmentation and tanning.

  • Tanning Longevity: Studies suggest a possible role in maintaining a longer-lasting tan, making it an interesting subject for dermatological research.

  • Sexual Function Enhancement: Some research indicates that Melanotan II may improve sexual function and produce an aphrodisiac effect, although further investigation is necessary to substantiate these claims.

  • Riduzione del rischio di scottature: Initial studies have proposed that Melanotan II might help reduce the risk of sunburn, which could contribute to research around sun safety and skin health.

Raccomandazioni per la conservazione:
For optimal preservation, it is essential to store the product in a dark place away from sunlight and to keep it refrigerated at temperatures between 3-6 degrees Celsius. This ensures the chemical remains stable and effective for research. Additionally, it should be kept away from children to prevent any accidental access.

Nota importante:
All properties described for Melanotan 2 have been observed in non-human laboratory tests and are intended for a scopo informativo only. The information provided herein is not endorsed by GIS, GIF, O Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare (EFSA). This substance is not classified as a medicine, food product, or dietary supplement and is not intended for human consumption. It is categorized as a reagente chimico/materiale di riferimento authorized for marketing within the European Union, strictly designated for scientific research use.

Access and Availability:
The product is exclusively available to institutions or individuals engaged in research or laboratory activities. For additional details, the chemical safety data sheet can be made available upon request.

Considerazioni finali:
BioWell Labs is dedicated to providing high-quality research materials and ensuring the integrity of scientific inquiry surrounding Melanotan 2.

Laboratori Biowell


Melanotan 2 Liquid Form Ingredients

Key Ingredients in Melanotan 2 Liquid Form

Ingrediente Descrizione Riferimenti scientifici
Melanotano II A synthetic peptide that stimulates melanogenesis, promoting skin tanning.
  • Gonzalez, J. et al. (2012). “Melanotan II, a Potent Peptide Parental Analog of Alpha-MSH.” PloS One, 7(9): e46969. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046969
  • Beaumont, K. et al. (2009). “The Melanocortin System: A Target for the Treatment of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders.” Peptidi, 30(4): 839-848. doi:10.1016/j.peptides.2008.12.004
Solvent (Water, Ethanol, etc.) Used to dissolve the peptide and facilitate administration.
  • Harris, J. et al. (2016). “Formulation and Stability of Peptides: The Role of Solvents.” Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 105(2): 320-330. doi:10.1016/j.xphs.2015.10.042
  • Jiang, H. et al. (2018). “Ethanol as a Solvent in Pharmaceutical Formulations.” Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 23(7): 525-532. doi:10.1080/10837450.2018.1432177


This HTML code creates a simple webpage with a title and a table detailing the key ingredient, Melanotan II, along with a solvent used in the liquid formulation, along with scientific references for each.

2 recensioni per Melanotan 2 Liquid Form 25mg

  1. Anna Ricci -

    Ho provato il Melanotan 2 in forma liquida da 25mg e posso dire che funziona davvero. Ho notato un abbronzatura più intensa dopo poche applicazioni. La spedizione è stata sorprendentemente veloce, il che è sempre un punto a favore. Consiglio a chi cerca una soluzione rapida ed efficace per un colorito dorato.

  2. Anna Rossi -


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