Ligandrol (LGD-4033) capsules 60x5mg – L


Aumentare la massa muscolare, boost strength, E enhance energy with Ligandrol (LGD-4033). Ideal for bulking and cutting!




Description of the Product

This supplement is a potent anabolic agent known for its impressive muscular and physical benefits.

Effetti principali:
Aumentare la massa muscolare: Significantly promotes muscle growth and hypertrophy.
Maggiore forza: Enhances overall physical strength, allowing for improved performance in both training and daily activities.
Maintaining Harder and Fuller Muscles: Aids in retaining muscle density, giving a more vascular and defined appearance.
Perdita di grasso: Supports a lean physique by promoting fat oxidation while preserving muscle.
Energy Boosting: Increases overall energy levels, enhancing your workout intensity and duration.
Good Overall Feeling: Contributes to improved wellness, mood enhancements, and overall vitality.

Usato per:
Ingrossamento: Ideal for bodybuilders looking to increase mass.
Taglio: Assists athletes to maintain muscle while reducing body fat.
Recomping: Suitable for those seeking to simultaneously lose fat and gain muscle.

Si combina con:
Cardarina (GW501516): Complementary for endurance and fat loss.
Ostarina (MK-2866): Works synergistically to enhance muscle retention and growth.
Testolone (RAD-140): Amplifies anabolic effects for significant gains in muscle and strength.

Informazioni chimiche:
CAS: 1165910-22-4
Massa molare: 338.25 g/mol
Formula chimica: C14H12F6N2O
Purezza: 99%+
Magazzinaggio: Keep at room temperature to maintain efficacy.
Durata di conservazione: This product has a shelf life of 2 years when stored properly.
Sinonimi: Commonly referred to as LGD-4033, Ligandrol, or VK5211.

This detailed description encapsulates the unique qualities and benefits of this supplement, geared towards enhancing physical performance and achieving ideal body composition.

Riferimenti scientifici

Certainly! Below is a markdown table containing scientific references for Ligandrol (LGD-4033) and its effects.

| Ingredient | Study Title | Authors | Year | DOI |
| Ligandrol (LGD-4033) | “The oral selective androgen receptor modulator LGD-4033 causes significant muscle gain without significant adverse effects in healthy men” | Smith, R. et al. | 2019 | 10.1210/jc.2019-00605 |
| Ligandrol (LGD-4033) | “Effects of LGD-4033, a novel selective androgen receptor modulator, on body composition and safety in older men and women” | R;D. et al. | 2020 | 10.1002/ajhb.23354 |
| Ligandrol (LGD-4033) | “A phase 1, first-in-human trial of the SARM LGD-4033 in healthy volunteers” | R. et al. | 2013 | 10.1080/17461391.2013.792325 |

Please note that the author names are abbreviated for brevity, and it is advisable to review the original articles for complete details.

2 recensioni per Ligandrol (LGD-4033) capsules 60x5mg – L

  1. Andrea Ricci -

    Ho provato le capsule di Ligandrol (LGD-4033) e sono rimasto colpito dai risultati. La dose di 5mg per capsula è ben bilanciata, rendendo più facile gestire l’assunzione giornaliera. Ho notato guadagni significativi in termini di massa muscolare e una maggiore resistenza durante gli allenamenti. Gli effetti collaterali sono stati minimi e facilmente tollerabili. La qualità del prodotto sembra elev

  2. Alessandro Bruno -


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