Osta Lean (SR9009-Osta-Carda)


Osta Lean by Sarma-Com is a cutting-edge supplement designed to enhance fat burning, improve endurance, and maintain muscle mass.




Descrizione del prodotto:

Osta Lean by Sarma-Com is a supplement designed to support your body during cutting, promoting overall fitness and muscle mass maintenance. It enhances fat burning, improves endurance, and promotes anabolism thanks to the presence of powerful components such as Ostarine, Cardarine, and SR-9009. Each of these constituents sets up the body to use the fat stored as adipose tissue as the primary energy metabolism, ideal for those aiming for a slim, muscular figure.


1. Ostarine (MK2866): This selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) enhances the growth of muscle mass, prevents muscle mass loss, and improves strength. Athletes take Ostarine for post-workout regeneration to care for their joints and muscle tissue. It also influences the loss of adipose tissue and increases vascularity.

2. Cardarina (GW-501516): This component contributes directly to the usage of fat as an energy source, leading to a compact, highly defined muscle structure, thereby constantly reducing the body’s fat level. It increases muscle cells’ sensitivity to insulin, aiding effective body recomposition, and achieving immediate visual effects. Cardarina acts as a powerful anti-catabolic agent.

3. SR9009: Known to enhance the transformation of energy substrates into energy, SR9009 develops bodily efficiency and endurance, particularly beneficial in endurance sports. Its ability to increase the number of mitochondria and improve energy compounds’ transformation, along with reducing insulin resistance levels, enhances exercise capacity, increases endurance, and improves post-training body regeneration.

Istruzioni per il dosaggio:

Take two separate capsules daily, preferably not with main meals. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is recommended at the end of the cycle. Complementary products that could be beneficial include LiveR, LiveR PRO, or Liv.52, Liv52DS, as well as Arjuna or Abana, Karela, Coletix.

2 recensioni per Osta Lean (SR9009-Osta-Carda)

  1. Sara Rizzo -

    Osta Lean è un prodotto interessante per chi cerca di migliorare le prestazioni fisiche e il recupero muscolare. Gli ingredienti sembrano ben formulati e l’effetto di aumento dell’energia è immediato, rendendo gli allenamenti più intensi e duraturi. Inoltre, molti utenti hanno notato un miglioramento nella composizione corporea, con una riduzione del grasso e un aumento della definizione muscolare. Tuttavia, è fondamentale utilizzarlo insieme a

  2. Francesco Esposito -


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