Effetti principali:
- **Increases muscle mass**: Supports hypertrophy and effective muscle growth.
- **Increases strength and performance**: Enhances overall athletic performance and anaerobic capacity.
- **Improves bone health**: Contributes to bone density and supports skeletal strength.
- **Lowers cholesterol levels**: Aids in maintaining healthy cholesterol profiles.
- **Improves blood sugar levels**: Helps regulate glucose metabolism and enhances insulin sensitivity.
- **Improved recovery**: Facilitates quicker recovery times post-exercise.
- **Decreasing tissue fat**: Promotes fat loss while preserving lean muscle tissue.
Utilizzato per:
**Bulking**: Ideal for individuals looking to increase muscle mass and overall body weight.
**Cutting**: Effective for those aiming to lose fat while maintaining muscle integrity.
Dosages :
**10 – 30 mg a day divided in 2-3 doses**: Recommended to start on the lower end and gradually increase based on individual tolerance and goals.
Combines with :
**Testolone (RAD140)**: For enhanced anabolic effects.
**Ligandrol (LGD4033)**: Synergistic effects on muscle growth.
**Ligandrol (LGD3303)**: Supports lean muscle preservation.
**Cardarine (GW501516)**: Boosts endurance and fat loss.
**Cardarine (GW0742)**: Similar benefits to GW501516 with a different profile.
**Stenabolic (SR9009)**: Increases metabolic activity and endurance.
**Stenabolic (SR9011)**: Complementary effects on fat loss and energy expenditure.
CASO : **1025658-44-9**
Massa molare: **431.37 g/mol**
Formula: **C21H16F3N3O**
Purezza : **99%+**: Ensures high quality and efficacy.
Magazzinaggio : **Room temperature**: Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
Durata di conservazione: **2 years**: Maintain integrity when stored properly.
Sinonimi : **Ostarine acetate ester, MK2886 Acetic acid ester**: Common alternative names for identification.
Federico Ferrari -
Ho acquistato le capsule OTR-AC OSTARINE e sono rimasto soddisfatto dalla velocità della spedizione, che è stata davvero rapida. Dopo qualche giorno di utilizzo, ho notato già degli effetti positivi, con un aumento della forza e della resistenza. Le capsule si sono rivelate efficaci e facili da assumere. Consiglio sicuramente a chi cerca un supporto per allenamenti intensi.
Martina Costa -