Warrior Labz BPC-157 & TB-500 SPRAY 30 ml
166,80 €
Warrior Labz BPC-157 & TB-500 SPRAY is an easy-to-use nasal spray for faster recovery and strong regenerative effects.
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Warrior Labz BPC-157 & TB-500 SPRAY (30 ml) is a high-quality nasal spray. It offers effective regeneration peptides without needing injections. This product combines two powerful peptides: BPC-157 y TB-500. Both are known for their strong healing properties, making them ideal for athletes and anyone recovering from injuries.
Product Highlights
- Nasal Spray Form: Easy and quick to use.
- Convenient Dosage: Simple daily intake without syringes.
- Strong Regenerative Effect: Aids in repairing muscle and tissue injuries.
- Reduce la inflamación: Helps relieve pain and discomfort from injuries.
- Accelerates Healing: Promotes faster recovery, so you can return to training or daily activities sooner.
Understanding Peptides
Péptidos are short chains of amino acids that build proteins. They work quickly in the body, especially for healing. The BPC-157 y TB-500 peptides are famous for their regenerative benefits:
BPC-157 (Body Protection Compound): This synthetic peptide helps tissues heal fast and reduces inflammation. It comes from a protective protein in the stomach and aids in forming new blood vessels (angiogenesis) while supporting collagen production for tissue repair.
TB-500 (Timosina Beta-4): This peptide enhances the body’s ability to heal tissues, especially in muscles and tendons. It does this by promoting cell movement and increasing collagen and keratin production.
Cómo funciona
BPC-157: Stimulates new blood vessel formation and supports collagen production. This is helpful for healing muscle, tendon, and ligament damage, while also protecting nerve cells.
TB-500: Increases cell movement to injured areas, speeding up recovery and supporting new blood vessel formation. It effectively treats muscle and joint injuries.
Benefits of Nasal Spray
- Fast Absorption: Quick effects due to rapid absorption in the nasal area.
- Ease of Use: No needles or complex methods needed.
- Seguridad: Fewer side effects compared to injections because of intranasal delivery.
Ingredients per Dosage
Each 30 ml spray contains:
– BPC-157:15 mg por ración
– TB-500:15 mg por ración
BPC-157 activates healing mechanisms, while TB-500 supports cell movement and tissue repair.
- Uso recomendado: Use 2-3 sprays in each nostril daily Para obtener mejores resultados.
Warrior Labz BPC-157 & TB-500 SPRAY is a game-changer for anyone seeking to enhance their recovery. With its easy-to-use nasal spray format and effective healing properties, it is the perfect choice for athletes and active individuals who want quick relief from injuries and inflammation.
- **Referencia**: https://www.jpp.krakow.pl/journal/archive/12_10/pdf/903_12_10_article.pdf |
- **Referencia**: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jor.23108 |
- **Referencia**: https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/abs/10.12968/jowc.2019.28.2.64 |
- **Referencia**: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0063518 |
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