PNC-27 Peptide antitumorale 5mg


PNC-27 is a membrane-active anticancer peptide that kills tumor cells via membranolysis.



PNC-27 is an experimental antitumoral peptide designed for membrane activity. It has been shown to effectively kill cancer cells by inducing membranolysis and subsequent necrosis of the affected cells. This unique mechanism allows the peptide to selectively target cancerous cells while sparing healthy tissues.

Mecanismo de acción:

  • Cytotoxicity: PNC-27 exhibits cytotoxic effects specifically against human cancer cells, demonstrating its potential as a targeted cancer treatment.
  • Selectivity: Unlike many conventional chemotherapy agents, PNC-27 does not harm healthy cells, making it a promising candidate for reducing side effects typically associated with cancer treatments.
  • Broad Efficacy: The peptide has shown functionality across nearly all types of cancer cells, indicating its versatility in cancer therapy.

Posología y forma de administración:

  • Dosis recomendada: The suggested dose of PNC-27 is between 1 mg to 2 mg.
  • Route of Administration: This peptide should be administered via subcutaneous injection.
  • Frequency of Administration: It is recommended to inject the peptide tres veces al día to maintain effective medication levels in the body.

Seguridad y consideraciones:

  • It is crucial to monitor patients for any adverse reactions during treatment, particularly because this peptide is still under investigation in clinical settings.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate guidance and any potential contraindications or interactions with other medications.

Overall, PNC-27 represents a novel approach in the quest for effective cancer therapies, showcasing significant promise in its selective targeting of malignant cells. As with all medical treatments, further research and clinical studies will help to fully understand its efficacy and safety profile.

2 valoraciones en PNC-27 Peptide antitumorale 5mg

  1. Federico Marino

    Ho avuto l’opportunità di provare il PNC-27 Peptide antitumorale da 5 mg e sono rimasto colpito dai risultati. Questo peptide sembra avere una formula promettente per combattere le cellule tumorali, e ho notato un miglioramento nell’energia generale. La somministrazione è semplice e ben tollerata, senza effetti collaterali evidenti. Anche se sono necessarie ulteriori ricerche per confermare l’efficacia

  2. Marco Verdi

    Fa il suo lavoro!

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