Andarine (S-4) capsules 60×37,5mg – XL


Efectos principales: Build muscle, strength, and bone density; Utilizado para: Bulking, cutting;




Descripción del Producto

Efectos principales:
Gain Muscle: Support your bodybuilding goals by promoting muscle hypertrophy.
Gain Strength: Enhance your overall strength levels for improved performance in various exercises.
Increase Bone Density: Contribute to bone health, making them stronger and less prone to fractures.
Burning Fat: Aid in fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.
Increase Vascularity: Improve vascularity for a more aesthetic physique and better circulation.

Usado para:
Aumento de volumen: Ideal for those looking to gain weight and muscle mass efficiently.
Corte: Helps to shed fat while maintaining muscle, suitable for pre-competition prep.
Recompilación: Perfect for body recomposition, allowing users to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously.

Combina con:
Ostarina (MK-2866): Works synergistically for muscle growth and fat loss.
Cardarina (GW501516): Enhances endurance and promotes fat burning.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033): Supports lean muscle gain and strength.
Ibutamoren (MK-677): Increases growth hormone levels to further aid muscle growth and recovery.

Información química:
CAS: 401900-40-1
Masa molar: 441.36 g/mol
Fórmula química: C19H18F3N3O6
Pureza: 99%+

Instrucciones de almacenamiento:
Temperature: Store at room temperature to maintain integrity.
Vida útil de almacenamiento: Product is stable for up to 2 years when properly stored.

Sinónimos:A menudo denominado S-4 o Andarina, known for its anabolic qualities.

Make sure to consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen, especially if you’re planning to combine it with other compounds. Always adhere to recommended dosages for optimal results and safety.

Referencias científicas

Here is a markdown table with scientific references for the main ingredients of Andarine (S-4) capsules:

| Ingrediente | Título del estudio | Autores | Año | DOI |
| Andarine (S-4) | “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators: Discovery and Development” | Robinson, D. R., et al. | 2013 | 10.1002/cmdc.201300148 |
| Andarine (S-4) | “The effects of selective androgen receptor modulators on muscle and bone metabolism” | G. Bhasin, et al. | 2016 | 10.1210/er.2016-1100 |
| Andarine (S-4) | “Osteoanabolic properties of a selective androgen receptor modulator” | G. D. C. Wilkins, et al. | 2015 | 10.1002/jcsm.12081 |

Feel free to click on the DOI links for more in-depth information on each study.

2 valoraciones en Andarine (S-4) capsules 60×37,5mg – XL

  1. Elisa Lombardi

    Ho provato le capsule di Andarine (S-4) e sono rimasto colpito dalla loro efficacia. La formulazione da 37,5 mg sembra ottimale per migliorare la definizione muscolare senza effetti collaterali evidenti. Dopo alcune settimane di utilizzo, ho notato un aumento della forza e una migliore resistenza durante gli allenamenti. La qualità delle capsule è eccellente e si assimilano facilmente. Consiglio vivamente questo prodotto a chi

  2. Marco Greco


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