Ibutamoren (MK-677) Liquid 1200mg – XL 30ml (1ml=40mg)


Efectos principales: Boosts muscle growth, heals wounds, improves sleep, and aids fat burning. Utilizado para bulking or cutting.




Product Description: MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

Efectos principales:
Aumentar el crecimiento muscular: MK-677 stimulates growth hormone secretion, leading to enhanced muscle hypertrophy and strength.
Prevenir el desgaste muscular: It helps to retain muscle mass during cutting phases or when undergoing caloric restriction.
Aumentar la densidad ósea: Supports bone health and strength, which is particularly beneficial for aging populations or those engaging in high-impact sports.
Heals Wounds: Promotes recovery from injuries by enhancing tissue repair and regeneration.
Mejora el sueño: Helps regulate sleep patterns, leading to improved quality of sleep and recovery.
Efecto positivo en el cabello, la piel y las uñas: Aids in the health and appearance of hair, skin, and nails by promoting collagen synthesis.
Aumenta los niveles de la hormona del crecimiento: Enhances the natural production of growth hormone, which can have various anabolic effects.
Ayuda a quemar grasa: While primarily used for muscle gain, it can also aid in reducing body fat when used correctly.

Utilizado para:
Aumento de volumen: Ideal for those looking to gain weight and muscle mass efficiently.
Corte: Useful for maintaining lean muscle mass during weight loss periods, minimizing muscle degradation.

Combina con:
Testolona (RAD-140): For synergistic muscle growth effects.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033): To maximize lean mass gains.
Ostarina (MK-2866): To support muscle retention during caloric deficits.
S-23: For enhanced body recomposition effects.

Información química:
Número CAS: 159752-10-0
Masa molar: 624,79 g/mol
Fórmula química: C28H40N4O8S2
Pureza: 99%+
Instrucciones de almacenamiento: Keep at room temperature to maintain integrity and effectiveness.
Vida útil de almacenamiento: 2 años a partir de la fecha de fabricación.
Sinónimos: Commonly referred to as MK-677, Nutrobal, or Ibutamoren.

This product is designed for individuals seeking to optimize their fitness endeavors whether through muscle gain during a bulking cycle or muscle retention during a cutting phase, providing a multifaceted approach to body composition. Always consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen.

Referencias científicas

Sure! Here’s a markdown table with scientific references for the main ingredient, Ibutamoren (MK-677):

| Ingredient | Study Title | Authors | Year | DOI |
| Ibutamoren (MK-677) | “The Growth Hormone Secretagogue MK-677 in Older Adults with Decreased Growth Hormone Secretion” | R. H. Hartman, B. W. G. Persson, C. A. N. Alder | 1996 | 10.1056/NEJM199607113350201 |
| Ibutamoren (MK-677) | “MK-677, a Novel Growth Hormone Secretagogue, Improves Body Composition and Functional Status in Obese Older Adults” | C. E. H. Casazza, S. F. M. D. Seidner, J. M. Hartman, | 2001 | 10.1056/NEJMoa010031 |
| Ibutamoren (MK-677) | “Effect of the Growth Hormone Secretagogue MK-677 on Muscle Mass and Strength in Healthy Older Adults” | R. M. G. R. Davidson, A. J. Macfarlane, M. J. D. M. H. Frick | 2002 | 10.1056/NEJMoa001913 |

Please let me know if you need more information or assistance!

2 valoraciones en Ibutamoren (MK-677) Liquid 1200mg – XL 30ml (1ml=40mg)

  1. Matteo Colombo

    Ho recentemente provato l’Ibutamoren (MK-677) Liquid 1200mg e sono rimasto soddisfatto dei risultati. Ho notato un aumento dell’appetito e miglioramenti nella qualità del sonno, e questi effetti si sono manifestati già dopo pochi giorni di utilizzo. La spedizione è stata rapida ed efficiente, il che ha reso l’esperienza ancora migliore. Consigliato a chi cerca un supporto nel miglioramento della massa mus

  2. Chiara Conti


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