Dark Labs Ligandrol (LGD 4033)


LGD 4033 (Ligandrol) is a popular SARM that aids muscle growth and fat loss without typical steroid side effects.


Description of Dark Labs LGD 4033

Ligandrol, también conocido como LGD 4033, is a non-steroidal oral selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) primarily used in the treatment of muscle wasting y osteoporosis. It operates by binding to androgen receptors in the body, making it one of the most popular SARMs available on the market today.

Benefits of Dark Labs LGD 4033

LGD 4033 provides users with the potential to achieve a físico musculoso while experiencing a noticeable loss of unwanted body fat. Its muscle-building properties come without the common side effects associated with traditional steroids, which is a key reason for its popularity among bodybuilders and athletes. This SARM acts similarly to anabolic steroid-based substances, significantly enhancing crecimiento muscular and reducing overall body fat.

Además, LGD-4033 offers users increased levels of energy throughout the day, helping to combat fatigue. Among all available SARMs, it exhibits the strongest capability for muscle mass enhancement.


The product possesses a robust efecto anabólico and positively influences bone mineralization. Additionally, it provides benefits to tendons and ligaments. Users may notice firmer muscles accompanied by visible vascularity as a result of consistent use.

Efectos secundarios

Though LGD-4033 is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience a decrease in testosterone production and other hormonal disruptions, potentially impacting the body’s hormonal signaling.


Each Dark Labs LGD-4033 package contains 60 cápsulas, with each capsule offering 7 mg of LGD-4033. The recommended dosage is one capsule taken twice daily. Users should not continue this regimen for longer than 4 continuous weeks without incorporating a one-week break. The advised dosage range is 7-14 mg daily over a period of 4-8 semanas. For cycles lasting up to 4 semanas, the dosage may be cautiously increased to 21 mg.


The primary active ingredient is LGD 4033. The other components include:
Rice flour
Estearato de magnesio
FD & C Blue 1
FD & C Red 40

Where to Buy Dark Labs Ligandrol (LGD 4033)

We offer a diverse selection of Quemadores de grasa, supplements, and other essential products for fitness-conscious athletes at competitive prices in our online shop. We source directly from manufacturers to ensure our customers benefit from price advantages. Our team is ready to answer inquiries and provide assessments. For immediate assistance, feel free to chat with us on our e-shop; we’re also accessible through various communication channels.

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2 valoraciones en Dark Labs Ligandrol (LGD 4033)

  1. Marco Ferrari

    Ho provato Dark Labs Ligandrol (LGD 4033) e devo dire che ha superato le mie aspettative. Dopo alcune settimane di utilizzo, ho notato un aumento significativo della forza e della massa muscolare. La spedizione è stata veloce e senza intoppi, il che è sempre un plus. Consiglio vivamente questo prodotto a chi cerca risultati concreti e rapidi.

  2. Francesca Costa

    Alta qualità!

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