YOHIMBINE HCL 100caps/5mg


Yohimbina enhances fat loss and libido by blocking alpha-2-adrenergic receptors.

Verfügbarkeit: Nicht vorrätig Marke:



  • Dosierung und Inhaltsstoffe:
  • Jede Kapsel enthält 5 mg of Yohimbine HCl.
  • Das Produkt ist in einer Flasche verpackt und enthält 100 Kapseln.

Description of Yohimbine:

Yohimbine is derived from the bark of the yohimbe tree, which is native to Africa. The pharmacological action of yohimbine involves the blockade of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, leading to enhanced sympathetic nervous system function. This results in an increased secretion of hormones such as adrenaline Und noradrenaline into the bloodstream. The increase in these hormones contributes to Lipolyse, particularly in areas of the body that are typically resistant to fat loss. Notably, the elevation of adrenaline levels stabilizes after approximately two weeks der konsequenten Verwendung.

The primary effects of yohimbine include an elevation in Blutdruck Und heart rate. Additionally, it promotes the secretion of epinephrine from the adrenal glands and facilitates vasodilation and relaxation of blood vessels. Yohimbine also stimulates the spinal cord center that is responsible for erection, libido enhancement, Und ejaculation.

Weitere Informationen:

  • Usage Warning:
  • This product is not classified as a food or dietary supplement and is not safe for human consumption. It is intended strictly for scientific research purposes only.

  • Lagerungsempfehlungen:

  • Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.
  • Ensure the container is tightly closed.
  • Lagern Sie in einem cool, dry, Und dark place; protect from moisture.
  • Always store in the original container.

  • Vorsichtsmaßnahmen:

  • Avoid contact during Schwangerschaft Und lactation.
  • In case of any adverse reactions or discomfort, consult a medical professional immediately.

Yohimbine is classified as an authorized chemical reagent in the European Union, limited strictly to use in scientific research contexts.

Yohimbine HCl Ingredients and Scientific References

Bestandteil Beschreibung Wissenschaftliche Referenzen
Yohimbine HCl Yohimbine is an alkaloid derived from the bark of the yohimbe tree, used primarily as an aphrodisiac and for weight loss.
  • Farnsworth, N. R., & Soejarto, D. D. (1991). “Global Importance of Medicinal Plants.” In: Biodiversity and Conservation.
  • Huang, H., & Zhang, T. (2011). “Yohimbine as a treatment for erectile dysfunction: A systematic review.” Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(1), 1-12.
  • Jain, A. (1996). “Yohimbine in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.” American Journal of Medicine, 100(1), 82-87.
  • Shin, H. K., et al. (2012). “Effects of yohimbine on neural and behavioral responses to stress.” Neuropharmacology, 62(5-6), 1629-1637.


Explanation of the HTML

  • Der <table> tag creates a structured table.
  • The table has three columns: Ingredient, Description, and Scientific References.
  • Each ingredient is provided alongside a short description and a list of scientific references with clickable links.


Make sure to verify the references and ensure they are relevant and credible for your usage. You can also expand the ingredient list if you wish to include other ingredients that may be present in the supplement.


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