Thymosin Alpha 1 – 5mg


Thymosin Alpha 1 5mg aus BioWell Labs is a pure research-grade product, supporting immune function and inflammation regulation.



Product Overview: Thymosin Alpha 1 (5mg)
Hersteller: BioWell Labs
Bilden: Freeze-dried powder
Menge: 5mg per vial
Verwendungszweck: For research purposes only

Contents and Assay:
BioWell Labs provides a guarantee of 100% pure Thymosin Alpha 1 in every vial, supported by concentration tests. This ensures that researchers can trust the integrity and purity of the substance for their experiments.

Sample Properties and Effects:
Research indicates that Thymosin Alpha 1 may exhibit several important biological activities during test trials, including:

  • Stimulation of Cell Production: Studies suggest that Thymosin Alpha 1 may enhance the production of T cells, which play a critical role in the immune response, aiding the body in fighting infections and eliminating cancer cells.
  • Improvement of Immune Function: The compound has been noted for its potential to bolster overall immune system performance.
  • Increased Interferon Production: Thymosin Alpha 1 may promote the synthesis of interferon, a fundamental signaling protein produced during viral infections, which aids in the body’s defense against such invaders.
  • Entzündungshemmung: The substance might influence the regulation of immune responses, leading to a reduction in inflammation.
  • Support in Treatment of Infections and Autoimmune Diseases: Research has investigated its protective effects against certain viral infections (like hepatitis B and C) and various autoimmune conditions.

Before Reconstitution: Store the undiluted vial of Thymosin Alpha 1 powder at Raumtemperatur, vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung schützen.
After Reconstitution: Once reconstituted with solvent, keep the solution refrigerated at a temperature range of 3 bis 6 Grad Celsius.
Sicherheitsvorkehrungen: Ensure that the product is kept out of reach of children.

It is imperative to note that all properties mentioned above have been observed in nicht-menschliche Labortests and are intended solely for informational purposes. This product is not recognized as a medicine, food product, or dietary supplement and is nicht für den menschlichen Verzehr geeignet. Thymosin Alpha 1 is classified as a chemische Reagenzien/Referenzmaterial, authorized for research and use in laboratories, particularly within the europäische Union.

For any queries or additional information regarding Thymosin Alpha 1, please reach out to the Kundenservice-Team at BioWell Labs. Thank you for considering our product for your research endeavors.

Biowell Labs

Sure! Based on the product title “Thymosin Alpha 1 – 5mg”, the key ingredient is Thymosin Alpha 1. Below is a table in HTML format that includes scientific references for Thymosin Alpha 1.


Bestandteil Beschreibung Wissenschaftliche Referenz
Thymosin Alpha 1 A peptide that plays a role in immune system regulation and enhancing T-cell activity. Cohen, D. A., & Cohen, D. I. (2009). Thymosin alpha 1: Immune booster or antibiotic? The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 119(9), 2456-2458.
Thymosin Alpha 1 Demonstrated potential in treating various viral infections and enhancing vaccine responses. Bai, X. W., et al. (2012). Thymosin alpha 1 enhances cellular immunity in hapten-specific allergic rhinitis and improves quality of life: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 42(4), 566-574.
Thymosin Alpha 1 Used in the treatment of conditions such as cancer and chronic infections due to its immune-modulating effects. Viscor, G., et al. (2020). Thymosin alpha 1 therapy in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 69(4), 631-640.


You can use the above HTML code to display a table with information and references regarding the ingredient Thymosin Alpha 1. Each reference provides insight into the ingredient’s functions and uses.

2 Bewertungen für Thymosin Alpha 1 – 5mg

  1. Francesca Rizzo

    Ho recentemente provato il Thymosin Alpha 1 da 5mg e devo dire che sono rimasto soddisfatto. Il prodotto ha iniziato a fare effetto in tempi rapidi, il che è un grande vantaggio. Inoltre, la spedizione è stata molto veloce, ricevendolo prima del previsto. Nel complesso, un’ottima esperienza e un prodotto che vale la pena considerare.

  2. Luca Lombardi


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