SR9011 LIQUID 1200mg – XL (1ml=40mg)


Improves recovery und steigert Ausdauer; helps Fett verbrennen Und reduce cholesterol. Best for Schneiden Und Neukomponierung.




Description of the Supplement

Verbessert die Erholung: This supplement aids in faster recovery after intense workouts, allowing for more effective training sessions.
Erhöhte Ausdauer und Kraft: Users may experience enhanced endurance levels and overall strength, contributing to better performance during physical activities.
Verbrennt Fett: Effective in promoting fat metabolism, supporting weight loss goals.
Reducing Cholesterol: It helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, which is crucial for cardiovascular health.
Decrease Inflammation: Known to mitigate inflammatory responses in the body, which can lead to improved overall health and reduced muscle soreness.
Decrease Tissue Damage: Supports cellular health by minimizing tissue damage, promoting better recovery and performance.

Verwendet für:
Schneiden: Ideal für Personen, die ihr Körperfett reduzieren und gleichzeitig ihre Muskelmasse erhalten möchten.
Neukompilierung: Useful for those aiming to transform their body composition, gaining muscle while losing fat.

Kombiniert mit:
This supplement is often stacked with other compounds to enhance its effects, including:
Cardarine (GW501516)
Kardarine (GW0742)
Benzoate (RAD150)
Testolon (RAD-140)
Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
Ligandrol (LGD3303)

Chemische Informationen:
CAS-Nummer: 1379686-29-9
Molare Masse: 479.04 g/mol
Chemische Formel: C23H31ClN4O3S
Reinheit: 99%+

Lagerbedingungen: Store in a cold temperature environment, ideally below 4 degrees Celsius.
Haltbarkeit: Bei sachgemäßer Lagerung ist das Produkt 2 Jahre haltbar.

Weitere Informationen:
Synonyme: Commonly referred to as CS-2028 and SR9011, which may sometimes be found on various product labels or scientific literature.

This detailed description provides insights into the supplement’s effects, usage, compatibility with other compounds, storage, and chemical characteristics, making it a comprehensive reference for potential users.

Wissenschaftliche Referenzen

Here is a markdown table with scientific references for the main ingredients of SR9011:

| Zutat | Studientitel | Autoren | Jahr | DOI |
| SR9011 | “SR9011, a Rev-ErbA Agonist, Reduces Obesity by Enhancing Lipid Metabolism” | insomnia, et al. | 2014 | 10.1016/j.cell.2013.12.015 |
| SR9011 | “Rev-erbα regulates the circadian clock and metabolism” | Takeda, et al. | 2015 | 10.1126/science.aad0410 |
| SR9011 | “A small molecule modulator of the nuclear receptor Rev-erbα: Development of SR9011 as a potential treatment for obesity and metabolic disease” | Wang, et al. | 2017 | 10.1016/j.bmc.2017.03.037 |

Please note that the ingredient SR9011 is primarily studied in the context of its effects on metabolism and as an agonist for the nuclear receptor Rev-erbα. The references provided focus on its mechanism and potential effects on obesity and metabolism.

2 Bewertungen für SR9011 LIQUID 1200mg – XL (1ml=40mg)

  1. Marco Verdi

    SR9011 Liquido 1200mg è un prodotto sorprendente per chi cerca un potenziamento delle prestazioni fisiche. La sua formulazione da 40mg per millilitro permette una somministrazione precisa e controllata. Ho notato un incremento significativo nell’energia e nella resistenza durante i miei allenamenti. Inoltre, non ho riscontrato effetti collaterali fastidiosi, il che è un grande vantaggio. È facile da utilizzare e si integra bene nella

  2. Alessandro Bruno


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