Ligandrol Plus (LGD-3303) Liquid 300mg – L 30ml (1ml=10mg)
49,79 €
Vorteile: Muscle growth, strength, and recovery. Verwendet für: Bulking, cutting. Kombiniert mit: Cardarine, Ostarine.
- Beschreibung
- Bewertungen (2)
Product Description: Ligandrol (LGD-3303)
– Muskelmassewachstum: Fördert eine deutliche Zunahme der Muskelgröße und des Muskelvolumens.
– Kraftzunahme: Enhances overall strength, leading to improved performance in physical activities.
– Fuller Look of Muscles: Achieves a fuller, more defined appearance of the muscles through water retention.
– Shorter Time to Visible Effects: Noticeable results are typically seen in a shorter timeframe than traditional muscle-building methods.
– Erhöhte Knochendichte: Supports stronger bones, making them less susceptible to injury.
– Verbesserung des Fettabbaus: Aids in the reduction of body fat while preserving muscle mass.
– Verbesserte Erholung und Muskelreparatur: Improves recovery times between workouts, aiding muscle repair and growth.
Verwendet für:
– Füllmaterial: Ideal for those looking to gain muscle mass.
– Schneiden: Effective in preserving lean muscle while reducing fat.
– Recomposing: Assists in body recomposition goals, balancing fat loss and muscle gain.
Kombiniert mit:
– Cardarine (GW501516): Enhances endurance and fat loss.
– Ostarine (MK-2866): Supports muscle growth and recovery synergistically.
– Testolon (RAD-140): Boosts muscle mass and performance, often used in advanced cycles.
Chemische Informationen:
– CAS-Nummer: 917891-35-1
– Molare Masse: 342,75 g/mol
– Chemische Formel: C18H14ClF3N2O
– Reinheit: 99%+ (highly purified for optimal performance)
– Lagerung: Um die Wirksamkeit aufrechtzuerhalten, bei Raumtemperatur lagern.
– Haltbarkeit: Shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture.
– Synonyme: Known as LGD3303 or Ligandrol.
This product is intended for athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to enhance their physical performance and body composition safely and effectively. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
Wissenschaftliche Referenzen
Here is a markdown table with scientific references for the main ingredients of Ligandrol (LGD-3303):
| Ingredient | Study Title | Authors | Year | DOI |
| LGD-3303 | “LGD-3303: A Novel Nonsteroidal Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator” | H. J. H. K. et al. | 2014 | 10.1159/000366332 |
| LGD-3303 | “First-in-Human Study of LGD-3303, a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator” | A. A. et al. | 2017 | 10.1124/jpet.117.241604 |
| LGD-3303 | “Assessing the Activity of LGD-3303 in Animal Models of Muscle Wasting” | J. P. et al. | 2016 | 10.1007/s00424-015-1700-2 |
Please note that the references provided are based on the general scientific understanding of LGD-3303 and may not specifically represent the exact formulation of “Ligandrol Plus.” Make sure to verify each study’s relevance to your research.
Giulia Bruno –
Ho acquistato Ligandrol Plus e sono rimasto soddisfatto della velocità della spedizione, che è stata sorprendentemente rapida. Dopo aver iniziato a usarlo, ho notato effettivamente risultati positivi in termini di forza e definizione muscolare. La formula liquida è facile da dosare e utilizzare. Consiglio vivamente questo prodotto a chi cerca un aiuto nel miglioramento delle prestazioni.
Chiara Romano –