Renegade Labs Alchemy 60 caps


Renegade Labs Alchemy is a potent SARM and prohormone stack for lean muscle gain, strength, and fat loss, with 60 effective capsules.

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Renegade Labs Alchemy 60 Caps SARM Stack

Der Renegade Labs Alchemy 60 Kapseln is a strong formula designed for those who want to enhance their physique. It combines advanced anabolic SARMs Und Prohormone. This blend aims to boost Muskelwachstum Und recomposition, giving you the best possible results.


  • Increase Pure Muscle Mass: Gain lean muscle without extra water retention.
  • Combination of the Best SARMs: Contains some of the most effective Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.
  • Potent Prohormones: Enhances anabolic effects for greater strength and muscle growth.
  • Boost in Muscle Strength: Significantly improves overall muscle strength and performance.
  • Tough and Bulking Physique: Ideal for those who want a well-defined, muscular look.


  1. RAD-150 (TLB-150 Benzoate):

    This controlled form of RAD-140 mimics natural testosterone. It boosts anabolic responses and has a longer half-life for sustained effects in muscle tissue.

  2. Trenevar (Estra-4,9,11-triene-3,17-dione):

    This unmethylated hormone has an anabolic index of 500. It helps reduce water retention and promotes a vascular, ripped appearance while supporting fat burning.

  3. Epistan (2,3 a-epithio-17a-methylethio-cholan-17b-ol):

    This prohormone encourages muscle growth without converting to estrogen, helping to prevent side effects like gynecomastia. It also boosts strength and aids in fat loss.

  4. MK-677 (Ibutamoren):

    This ghrelin mimetic enhances growth hormone release. It improves fat metabolism and recovery by promoting better sleep and lowering cortisol levels.

  5. GW501516 (Cardarine):

    This PPARδ receptor agonist supports fat burning and boosts endurance without affecting hormone levels. It is known to improve performance and preserve muscle during cutting phases.


  • Verzehrempfehlung: Nehmen 2 Kapseln pro Tag for optimal results. Following the dosage helps minimize side effects and maximize benefits.


  • Best for experienced users familiar with prohormones and anabolic substances.
  • Not suitable for beginners or those sensitive to androgens.
  • Users should monitor their body’s reactions and be aware of possible side effects when using hormonal supplements.

Der Renegade Labs Alchemy is perfect for individuals serious about transforming their bodies and gaining an edge in strength and muscle definition. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement stack, especially those involving prohormones and SARMs.


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