German Pharma MK-ULTRA
52,08 €
German Pharma MK-ULTRA: 30 capsules, 20 mg Ibutamoren (MK-677) per capsule. Supports muscle growth, fat burning, and recovery.
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German Pharma MK-ULTRA – MK-677
Dosage and Serving Details:
– Empfohlene Dosierung: Nehmen eine Kapsel täglich.
– Dosierung pro Kapsel: 20 mg of Ibutamoren (MK-677).
– Portionsgröße: 1 Kapsel.
– Portionen pro Behälter: 30 Portionen.
– Total Capsule Count: 30 Kapseln per container.
Product Content:
– Hauptzutat: Jede Kapsel enthält 20 mg of Ibutamoren (MK-677).
– % RDA: This product outlines the percentage of the recommended daily intake based on a daily requirement of 2000 Kalorien.
Überblick über die Leistungen:
German Pharma MK-ULTRA (MK-677) is renowned for its effectiveness as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM), serving as a powerful alternative to traditional prohormones and steroid cycles. The benefits associated with this compound include:
– Stimulating growth hormone secretion (IGF-1).
– Enhancing testosterone and growth hormone production.
– Promoting significant muscle growth Und protein synthesis.
– Encouraging fat loss Und regulating insulin levels.
– Suppressing cortisol levels, the stress hormone.
– Contributing to deep, restful sleep Und immune system support.
– Optimizing overnight muscle cell recovery Und blocking myostatin, which promotes muscle growth.
Bodybuilders and athletes often integrate MK-677 into their muscle-building cycles, particularly in conjunction with anabolic steroids or other SARMs, to amplify levels of IGF-1. A standard cycle lasts a minimum of 12 weeks, with many individuals opting for extended cycles of 14 weeks or longer to achieve consistent muscle mass development.
Safety and Precautions:
This product is intended strictly for use by healthy adults over 18 years and should not be employed as a substitute for a balanced diet. Always consult with a healthcare physician before beginning any supplement regimen. Users should adhere strictly to the recommended dosage and keep the product out of children’s reach. It is recommended to store the product in a kühl und trocken lagern nach dem Öffnen.
Mögliche Nebenwirkungen:
While German Pharma MK-ULTRA is generally well-tolerated, users may experience side effects similar to those of external growth hormone consumption, including:
– Numbness in the hands.
– Increased appetite.
In summary, German Pharma MK-ULTRA is engineered to help users build massive muscle mass, enhance Fettverbrennung, and improve stamina and strength, while minimizing the risk of harmful side effects typically associated with anabolic substances.
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