Lipodrine Yohimbine HCL Gel – Advanced Formula
45,92 €
Lipodrine Yohimbin HCL Gel: 4ml per serving, 30 Portionen per container.
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Lipodrine Yohimbine HCL Gel – Extreme Fat Reduction Formula
What is Lipodrine (Sculpt)?
Lipodrine (Sculpt) is a highly efficient fat-burning gel specifically designed to aid in fat reduction, featuring Yohimbin HCL as its primary active ingredient.
How Does the Yohimbine HCL Gel Work?
The primary component of Lipodrine (Sculpt) is Yohimbin HCL, an Alpha-2 antagonist that binds to Alpha-2 (A2) receptors in the body, effectively blocking them. By applying the gel to the targeted area, Yohimbin is delivered directly to sites rich in A2 receptors, potentiating fat mobilization.
– Yohimbin HCL
– Octopamin HCL
– N-Acetyl-L-Carnitin HCL
– Koffein HCL
– Wasserfreies Koffein
– Himbeerketon
– Capsaicin
– Benzylnicotinat
– Transcutol (c)
– CosmoPerine (TM)
– Zimtaldehyd
– Natrosol
– Isopropylalkohol
– Triglycerid-Komplex
– R.O. Water
How to Use Lipodrine Yohimbine HCL Gel:
For optimal results, apply 4 to 8 squirts of the gel onto the problem area zweimal täglich, with applications ideally spaced 8 to 12 hours apart. Focusing on one particular body part (e.g., midsection, thighs) for a few weeks before progressing to another area is recommended, rather than spreading the application over multiple regions simultaneously.
Ensure you wash your hands before and after application, and apply the gel to clean, hairless skin for maximum effectiveness. It is also advisable to exfoliate the skin 2 to 3 times a week to enhance the gel’s impact.
– Portionsgröße: 4 PUMPS (4 ml)
– Portionen pro Behälter: 30
With its specialized formula and targeted usage instructions, Lipodrine Yohimbine HCL Gel aims to assist in extreme fat reduction effectively.
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